Restoring Energy in Mind, Body and Spirit

Energy sustainability is foremost in everyone’s mind these days as we all are forced to accept that our demand for fossil fuels has outstripped our planet’s supply. First things first, what is energy sustainability? Energy sustainability refers to any energy source that does not get depleted, one that does not need to be renewed or replenished. It is an energy source that is and can remain viable forever.

2024-02-07T18:23:10+00:00Energy, Wellness|

Why you don’t have to drink 8 glasses of water to be healthy

Why you don’t have to drink 8 glasses of water to be healthy We’ve all heard the “drinking 8 glasses of water daily will make you healthier” saying, but where did this recommendation come from, and how accurate is it? It is a [...]

2024-07-04T05:58:51+00:00Health, Wellness|
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