5 Awesome Natural Energy Boosters

We’re nearing the end of the year, which means energy levels are lower than usual, but this is no reason to panic. That feeling of burn-out and increased stress levels around this time of year affects a good percentage of people.

It starts with heavy eyelids, then your head starts to bob as you fight a losing battle dozing off at your desk. Your to-do list just seems never-ending, and when that afternoon slump hits, you begin to feel like something has been slipped into your drink. But, there is a healthy and natural way of dealing with this. Avoid reaching for an un-naturally processed energy drink filled with sugar, chemicals and preservatives. Rather employ the help of some natural energy boosters.

Whether you’ve pulled an all-nighter to meet a deadline or are just exhausted from days of jam-packed schedules or even struggling with a medical condition like chronic fatigue syndrome, there are a bunch of natural ways to put a little pep back in your step.

We’ve compiled a list of five effective options to get you started.

Incorporate B-complex vitamins in your diet

People who are deficient in B vitamins feel tired because the micronutrients help your body turn food into energy. Plus, being short on B vitamins causes anaemia, which cuts off the oxygen supply to your organs, thus causing fatigue. B-complex helps in converting food into cellular energy, which takes a lot of steps in hundreds of chemical reactions. B vitamins act as co-factors (helpers) in many of those reactions, helping to speed up your metabolism which gives you more energy.

Get more sleep!

Many people don’t sleep well and resort to self-medication, using coffee and other sweet things as energy boosters. This works, but only for a while. It still does not change the fact that the body is being deprived of the necessary and essential sleep it needs. Lack of sleep also leads to a reduction in the levels of peptin, a hormone responsible for suppressing appetite. Getting an adequate amount of rest at night is a secret energy booster everyone should be using.

Try some Ginseng

Ginseng is a herb used for its energy boosting and medicinal properties. There are three main species of ginseng: Oriental, Siberian and American. All forms of ginseng are said to aid in reducing stress, improving vitality and boosting the immune system. The naturally derived stimulant has been employed in alternative medicine, such as Chinese medicine, for thousands of years.

The active ingredients in ginseng known as “ginsenosides” who’s chemical structure resembles that of human hormones, helps to control hormone activity and regulation. They influence blood pressure and insulin production and increase your metabolism, giving you that much needed energy boost.

Drink water

Fatigue could be a sign that the body is short on fluid. It is also the first symptom of dehydration. Water enhances performance for endurance activities that are demanding. It also affects metabolism. About 8 cups of fluids for men and women respectively would do just fine. Regularly cleansing your system by drinking water is one sure way to regain energy. This will also help your body’s intake of energy-giving nutrients in a better way.

Get some Guarana

Guarana is a relatively new herb to the western world, but for thousands of years the Amazonian Indians have enjoyed a drink made from the seeds as a tonic and a stimulant. Guarana provides an excellent energy boost for anyone feeling physically or mentally run down. It is particularly useful when sustained periods of energy, alertness and concentration are required, such as studying, driving or partying.

If you find yourself trying to stay alert all through the day, feeling sluggish mid-afternoon, struggling with adrenal fatigue, or simply exhausted, then this is your sign to make a change. Try out any of the easy and affordable ways to banish tiredness naturally. Struggling to find some of these solutions? Luckily, you can also find Guarana, Ginseng and B-complex vitamins in convenient McNab’s SuperCharge energy shots.